Dr. Oshan Gadsen

Chair of Psychology Department at Hampton University and Psycho-Spiritual Health Expert​

Hampton University Department of Psychology Chair & Associate Professor 

Dr. Gadsden is an applied psychologist who is currently in his 3rdyear as the Psychology Department Chair at Hampton University. He is also an Associate Professor, by academic rank. Additionally, Dr. Gadsden is CEO of Adullam Psycho-Spiritual Collective, LLC. 

Dr. Gadsden brings over 25 years of clinical, teaching, training, consultation, and research experience. He received his B.P.S. from Metropolitan College of New York City, MA in clinical psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University and his PhD in counseling psychology from Howard University with a focus in Black masculinity development.   

His postdoctoral training also includes: Psychoanalytic training at the Object Relations Institute for Psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis in NYC as a psychoanalytic candidate; Forensic evaluation training (Principles & Practice, Competency to Stand Trial and Criminal Responsibility) at the Institute of law, Psychiatry, and Public Policy at the University of Virginia; and as a Post-Doctoral Clinical Fellow in a methadone outpatient clinic at JFK Behavioral Health Center in Philadelphia, PA. During his time as a clinical fellow, Dr. Gadsden treated patients who were addicted to opioids via individual and group psychotherapy, provided individual and group supervision to both M.S. and advanced doctoral students.   

His research/writing/clinical expertise has been focused on the psycho-emotional-cultural-spiritual health of minoritized populations, and Black males specifically.  Dr. Gadsden's varied clinical/training experiences treating under-served populations from a metaphysical-relational-psychoanalytic lens; commitment to both the integration of reflexivity-spirituality, social justice, community-praxis within both a clinical and professional context; and scholarship and research agendas framed within both constructivist and decolonized-Black centered lens has made his work both psychological, cultural, and political in scope.  

Dr. Gadsden has taught and trained/supervised (i.e., research projects and clinical work) both undergraduate and graduate students at institutions like: Morehouse College, Alliant international University (PhD/Psy.D), Seton Hall University(M.S.), NYU (M.S.), & VA Clinical Psychology Consortium (PhD). While also providing clinical supervision and mentorship as an administrator and training director in Black owned clinics-practices. 

Dr. Gadsden's primary research agenda is concerned with exploring the relationship between the development of masculine ideology, attachment styles, psychological functioning, and the emotional capacity/openness of African American adult men. To date, Dr. Gadsden has several publications (28) addressing these issues – in peer-reviewed journals, books, psychology division newsletters, and professional web magazines (e.g., The HuffPost.com & BET.com lifestyles) and has presented his work and ideas at national/regional/international conferences, panels (e.g., University of Toronto, Columbia University, William & Mary Lemon Project, The Bharat Panchal Dialogues, Dominion Energy, Norfolk State University, Winston Salem University, The Onyx Report, Pace University, Harlem Children’s Zone, Boris Lawrence Benson Foundation, Diversity Challenge, Boston College, TheRoot.com), and as a guest lecturer at many colleges and universities, and radio/podcast shows. Additionally, his mentorship of students has led to many student conference presentations and awards.

Dr. Gadsden has also extended his work through the venue of the media. He has appeared on such media platforms like: 10WAYNews, The Black Psychologist Podcast, WBAI 99.5FM, WNSB Blazin’ Hot 91.  Currently, Dr. Gadsden is a part of the international JustHealBro Tour where he and other Black men visit colleges and communities in various states/cities and in a safe space have intimate conversations with Black males only around such topics as: trauma and masculinity development and its implication in various dimensions of their lives; all with the goal of reflexivity and healing. Dr. Gadsden has also been awarded a number of research grants (e.g., NSF-21-579, The Center for African American Public Policy; and APA Summer Research grant). Dr. Gadsden recently served as co-editor for a special series within the Journal of Black Sexuality & Relationships exploring issues related to Black male trauma and identity from a multi-disciplinary perspective and is currently a board member of the Journal of Negro Education, the oldest and only HBCU free standing journal at Howard University. Lastly, Dr. Gadsden is working on a book manuscript through Routledge Taylor & Francis Group entitled, "Expanding Black Masculinities: A Psycho-Spiritual Paradigm of Healing” to be published by early Late Fall 2024/Early Spring 2025.